Privacy Policy

Dimax Life Scienceshandles your personal information according to the Privacy Policy described separately.

Links to Other Sites / Links from the Other Sites

We may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience. However, please note that Dimax Life Sciencesholds no responsibility or authority over the contents of such sites. Furthermore, you must obtain permission from Dimax Life Sciencesin advance if you intend to post any links to this website.

Legal Jurisdiction

Terms of Use are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan. All legal proceedings concerning any disagreements arising out of, in connection with, or relating to the provisions of Terms of Use will be brought to the Osaka District Court.

Official Social Media Global Terms of Use

The Official Social Media Terms of Use (hereinafter "terms") set out the terms of use for the official global account of the social media (hereinafter referred to as "company SNS") operated by Dimax Life SciencesPharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "company") . (Company SNS is defined in the [Official Accounts].) By using the company's SNS, any users (hereinafter referred to as "users") will be deemed as agreeing to these Terms.

Social Media Policy

Due to the remarkable development of social media in recent years, we begin social media activities to further improve Santen's corporate and brand value.